Sunday, 20 November 2022

Be enlightened or be quiet!

Like many countries, South Africa has terrible heavy vehicle accidents on the highways and byways. You can’t miss the news headlines: At least 3 killed on N3 truck accident; Bloody start to weekend after six killed in truck crash on KZN’s R56; Deadly KZN N3 pile-up … Other headlines read, South Africa: Deadly Attacks on Foreign Truck Drivers; ATDF Reveals That Truck Driver Who Caused An Accident Is A Foreigner; SA’s Operation Dudula targets foreign national drivers and companies that hire them after deadly crash kills 19 school kids …

Let us look at a few perceptions!

  • All truck drivers are men.

Fact: Women also drive trucks – a small percentage that’s growing.

  • Truck drivers are Black.

Fact: White people also drive trucks.

  • Truck drivers are mostly foreigners.

Fact: There is a need for more truck drivers in South Africa. The question to ask is: Why?

  • Truck drivers don’t care about the safety of other drivers.

Opinion: Do drivers, in general, care about the safety of others on the roads?

  • Truck drivers drive recklessly.

Opinion: Who doesn’t? Take a day off, sit in your car in a parking lot at any mall, and observe!

Here’s a short analogy! 

Many people don’t trust truck drivers behind the wheel. They expect an accident to happen! To go a few steps further: When there’s a truck accident, it’s always the truck driver’s fault. The truck driver is guilty of the deaths of everyone in the accident. The children of truck drivers are also to blame for the accident and all the deaths and cannot be trusted behind the wheel of any vehicle because they have the same reckless genes as their truck-driving parents. 

Comparatively speaking, many Black people don’t trust White people. They expect them to behave in a racist way. To go a few steps further: when there is a White person in the room, it is always the White person’s fault when there’s an incident. Never mind whether the cashier was rude or the service was poor. The White person is not allowed to get angry. A Black woman can throw tantrums in shops, but not a White woman. The White person is guilty of whatever (always) because of Apartheid. The children of White people are also racist and to blame for Apartheid. And so, hate and division continue because of Apartheid.

Many will say: 
If there is any hate and division in South Africa, it’s caused by political parties that claim to stand for a united democratic country but show bias toward the White people of 2022! Do you agree? Well, someone needs to be blamed. Rather than taking ownership of our own bias, let us point fingers. Read that again if you must.

Then along comes Charlize Theron or Their-In to fuel the South African fires of disparagement. Who? Charlize T’ron ... the pretty, tall, South African American White actress who has disowned her heritage.

Ironically, the thoughtless actions of companies and people like Dis-Chem and Charlize Theron bring people together! Did you see who stood up to Charlize? Imagine what this country could become if we all stood together without bias.

I won’t waste my time with bias or Charlize’s choice of 44 and her impression that the language is useless. We all know Charlize’s words are not based on facts. But I would like to spend a few minutes saying something about Afrikaans being a bastardized language. No one seems to have given attention to this statement by Charlize Theron! Is this perhaps because people believe it to be true. 

Yes! Afrikaans is an amalgam of Dutch, French, German, English, and the four Khoekhoe-branch languages, Nama, Kora, Cape Khoekhoe, and Eastern Khoekhoe. Regarding the latter four, you will find words in Afrikaans that originate from these languages. For example, there are plants with names originating from Nama, like the noenieboom, gharrabessie, and gonnabos.

Now, let us focus our attention with particular pride on how languages evolve. In the same way plants adapt, all languages adjust to environmental conditions over time and engage in slow and regular change processes. We think of the Romance languages derived from Latin (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, etc.), the Germanic languages and their offshoots, and the derivations of Arabic, Chinese, Indian, and languages of Asia, Micronesia, Africa, and the Americas. Whenever dialects and languages are cut off geographically, they will form entirely new languages. A good example is a unique Afrikaans dialect in Patagonia, Argentina. 

Of course, we may be influenced to look at ourselves as bastard people with a bastard language, as Breyton Breytenbach described us, rather than a nation and language that has evolved (come into existence through the processes of change). If we believe this bastard business, we are nothing better than Charlize Theron, and we will continue to be grossly disrespectful of who we are.

Should we ever decide to look at the Afrikaner’s evolution, let us do the same regarding the modern Xhosa, Tswana, Pedi, and every other nationality of the rainbow nation. Let us sit down and scrutinize the migration, dispersion, fission, wars, and settlements of South Africa’s people and carefully study the tremendous impact of Western culture on traditional African society. Let us be enlightened!

When enlightened, we can sit down, open our mouths, and speak! Until then, lest we don’t want to look like idiots, we should be quiet about the Afrikaans language!

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