I love words. I always have. And today, I thought about one that no one uses: muchness. By definition, it means greatness in quantity or degree.
For me, it means the depth and intensity that defies containment – the essence of being profoundly alive in any moment, whether in pain or joy.
I can’t imagine there’s a single person on this gigantic blue ball who hasn’t, at one time or another, experienced muchness: the muchness of a mood, the muchness of a feeling, the muchness of an act, or the muchness of a person.
We know the muchness of a heavy heart – the overwhelming ache that pulls us deep within ourselves. And we know the muchness of joy – the kind that bursts forth, lifting us beyond ourselves. Both remind us that we’re fully, deeply alive.
Let’s embrace the muchness in our lives. When it’s negative, minimize it by focusing on the muchness of what’s positive. Let us always dare to feel, express, and live in all our muchness!