Saturday, 14 December 2019

Myers' Cocktail

My GP told me about the Myers’ Cocktail in November and I decided to try it on the 22nd of November, to see if it would help for the pain in my feet and legs (for Peripheral Neuropathy). 

What exactly is a Myers’ Cocktail?

“The Myers’ Cocktail works by increasing the blood concentration of several essential vitamins and minerals beyond that which can be achieved when supplementing orally. For example, Vitamin C given intravenously has been found to reach blood concentrations more than 50 times greater than what can be achieved when given orally.

The idea is that many illnesses and conditions are associated with digestive disturbances such as bloating, indigestion and food sensitivities and that people with such conditions may not absorb many of the nutrients needed to return them to good health. Also, many diseases and inflammation cause the body to use nutrients at a faster rate, or to require higher amounts for proper healing. When nutrients are given intravenously, the digestion is bypassed. ADDITIONALLY the levels in the bloodstream are temporarily increased so that the nutrients are “coaxed” into the cells, and frequently into the mitochondria where they are active. This temporary boost frequently “kick-starts” the cells, so that energy is produced more efficiently in them.

Some patients feel an energy boost lasting days or weeks. In the case of fibromyalgia, decreased pain can be observed. In other chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, because the “leaky” nature of the gut, the infusion helps get necessary nutrients into the cells. Chronic asthma and other lung disease, congestive heart failure, and chronic allergic problems may respond with more energy and less symptoms. Patients who get sick often with infections may find an improved immune response, with less susceptibility to viral illnesses. 

A small catheter is inserted into a vein, and the infusion is given very slowly over 20-30 minutes. Side effects are remarkably rare and almost always are limited to local irritation of the vein. The most common sensations are heat and flushing (a magnesium effect), and the taste of vitamins soon after the infusion begins. The cocktail is usually given 1-2 times per week, and beneficial effects are usually felt by the fourth visit. Many patients with chronic conditions choose to continue the infusions every 1-4 weeks or when they feel their energy slipping.”

How did I respond to the “cocktail”?

After receiving it, I was in bed for three days. I had a severe migraine and was nauseous most of the time. It did not ease the pain at all.

Will I go again?


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